Tuesday, May 18, 2004

abandoned places

abandoned places

Aweome photography site... showing abandon places..
Really a sweet site.. a bit hard to figure out at first, but you'll
get the point if you start clicking around... worth the time..
Great pics,.

H.S. Student Hospitalized After Drinking Lab Chemical On A Dare

WFTV.com - News - H.S. Student Hospitalized After Drinking Lab Chemical On A Dare

Thinning of the herd... Survival of the smartest..
and man.. I'da loved to see that hall moniter asking for a pass..

Yahoo! News - Drunken "stripper" sparks airport probe

Yahoo! News - Drunken "stripper" sparks airport probe

Wow.. why can't I have things like this happen to me?



Awesome bow and arrow game.. bloody too... two hits and you win..

I Am Bored - Sites for when you're bored.

I Am Bored - Sites for when you're bored.

I think the name says it all on this one... lots of options...

Monday, May 17, 2004

MilkandCookies note of intrest..

Wow.. Where was this back when I used to take acid?

Corn Starch fingers (Sounds like nasty porn, dont it?) It's not..

Viral for BK..-House of Ugoff

Viral for BK - House of Ugoff More Annoying than that subserviant chicken??? Only time will tell...

Collins & Stamey Real Estate - Natchitoches, Louisiana

Collins & Stamey Real Estate - Natchitoches, Louisiana

Oooo.. My favorite place to hang out in summer. The Muck Hole..

I wish my house had a deer oberservation hut in the back yard.....(7th pic down)

and the site that led me to all this mayhem?
The Hole

And no.. it's not about my mom or about Saddam.. that would be either Dark Gaping Hole of hidden Humanity or A Tight Dank Hole that only Dictators could hide in... You pick which is which.. we know what my dad calls it.

American Merkin Company

American Merkin Company

Wow.. The internet makes it possible for anyone to sell anything...
Even Merkins... Which until now.. Didnt know they actually had
Pubic Hair-Pieces... wow... I'm more shocked by this then the beheading...

We're doomed. I can see it comming.. shit like this is like the
signs or something.. lol.. when someone can make an empire from selling pubic hair toupee's... the days are comming to a close..

'I'm gonna get my kicks before the whole shit-house goes up in flames...' J. Morrison

Nuke um from orbit, it's the only way to be sure... The Display of Terror Stupidity in Iraq. (Graphic)

Man... After watching this.. I felt mad...
but it just reminded me of how stupid these terroist fucks are..
they can't even pick the right knife for the job...

'That's not a knife....'

Old George finally comes clean with the truth...

bushwhacked2mgjth2.mov (video/quicktime Object)

Finally! The truth will set you free!!!

BeautyKit.mov (video/quicktime Object)

BeautyKit.mov (video/quicktime Object)

I think this basically sums up what we expect out of our little girls these days.. No wonder we have such a problem being honest.

Fox Searchlab : Farm Sluts

The Story of a man fired for looking at
Fox Searchlab : Farm Sluts

I almost pee'd myself laughing.

How Much is Inside Planters Mixed Nuts?

How Much is Inside Planters Mixed Nuts?

It's the scandal that rocked the peanutt world!! The Infalliable PIE CHART OF MIXED NUTS.... less than 50% peanutts you say? Nay!! Nay I say!!

It's a couple.. having fun with some mixed nuts...

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Guy on motocycle goes 200+...

Want to feel like you're going 200 miles an hour while sitting still?


throwingstardna: insomnia writes:

throwingstardna: insomnia writes:

For all you fans of the jail house antics of some morons... or just need something else to fill your next media fad...

more power to you.

Forbes.com: Wearable Wireless Displays Are In Sight

Forbes.com: Wearable Wireless Displays Are In Sight

You can keep the Display, cuz I like what I'm looking at... Mmmmm..
Puuurdy..and nerdy... my fav combo.

Link Bomb!

Terry Tate, Office Linebacker

Work in an office? Love Sports? Need a laugh? All three in unison..

Tired of using your eyes? Listen to a movie

Like to run around? Want to be in a club that shares your quirky sense of Urban Freeflow?

Wanna know how much you're worth? Humans for Sale!

Nine inch Nails updated the site.. got some great new video and a ton of newness... sleek white look too... almost...Inspirational..

Looking for a career in evil? then this would be your bible...Peter's Evil Overlord List..

The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom - a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live

The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom - a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live

Site devoted to the punk kittens and their singing cutout brethren.. a must see for those of you who loved the vh1 kittens...

streetmattress.com - Sh!ts Real on da street

Ever wonder about that matress on the street?

streetmattress.com - Sh!ts Real on da street

Here you can rate it!

images central | top 50 images for may 2004

Like Anime and Comic art? This would be for you...

images central | top 50 images for may 2004

totse.com... Text File Heaven..

Remeber when text files were the bomb? Well this site pays homage to them... with a huge base, covering anything you could think of.. great site..


Saturday, May 15, 2004

President Jimmy Carter and the "killer rabbit" - the true story, with the picture

President Jimmy Carter and the "killer rabbit" - the true story, with the picture

Here's something worth a laugh...


You gotta check this out...Yes or No.. Simple enough, right?
Oh.. and you need flash.. cuz it's a sweet site.

BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Falun Gong women die in detention

Man.. Dont fuck with china...BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Falun Gong women die in detention

a42_007.jpg (JPEG Image, 320x240 pixels)

I swear.. To be complete in life would just be to touch theseBad Boys and explain how to reformat a hard drive...

High Class is right!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Newgrounds Presents: All Your Base Are Belong to Us!

Newgrounds Presents: All Your Base Are Belong to Us!

For everything you ever needed to know and more about this cult classic... I still jam out when I hear this song..

Sumo Floris

Sumo Florist... can you say any more? Well other than he loves his cock...
Sumo Florist by Joel Veitch, Alex Veitch, Tim Gallagher and Mike Baker rathergood.com

ashkan sahihi portfolio menu

Where else are you going to find Women of the Israel Defense forces and Cum Shot Series on the same damn page?!? Only here.
Awesome photographer..

ashkan sahihi portfolio menu

AIMDude.com - aim buddy icons, away messages, files, tricks, and more!

Tired of AIM giving you shit? Put the smackdown on it at AIMdude..all your AIM needs.. even tho I'd suggest Trillian...AIMDude.com - aim buddy icons, away messages, files, tricks, and more!

T-Shirt Hell's 'E-Mail Hell'

Sooo you want a email with say Babiestastegood.com or Ihaveabigass.com... well you've found heaven at hell..

T-Shirt Hell's 'E-Mail Hell'

Black Viper's Web Site

Want a geek on your side? All kinds of info on windows and such..
all around good guy..

Black Viper's Web Site


and gods favorite website goes to....bobanddavid.com

Cam Mafia

Want some boredom relief?Cam Mafia has got an offer you can't refuse...

Digitally Imported

Want some good techno music?Digitally Imported has got your fix...

Hagakure Direction semniar

Need some direction in your life? Hagakure


Dreads getting outta hand? Call the Hairpolice quick!



This guy's always got something new to catch your eye..

Hook-Ups tshirts

Hook-Ups tshirts

and here are my favorite t-shirts of all time... Helllloooo Nurse!

How To Become A Hacker

How To Become A Hacker

I came across this and figured, If you aren't a hacker already, you need to brush up on your skills...

{fray} drugs - the worm within

The Worm Within
This one just killed me when I read it.. worth a laugh of your time..

Link Bomb!

Welcome to my little slice of heaven that's to be known as Linkbomb...
I surf alot on the internet.. and since blogger came out with all these spiffy tools, I'm gonna just toss my favorite links in here for everyone's enjoyment.. =)

Link On!